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When and where does the the course take place?

The course consists of 10 sessions held on Saturday Mornings from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, from mid-September through February.  The sessions are typically spaced 2 weeks apart, however extra time between classes is provided in December to accommodate the holidays.


We meet in person at TalentLaunch Active Learning Classroom at 6161 OakTree Blvd, Suite 300, Independence OH, 44413. We use the Zoom platform to include those that would otherwise miss a session due to travel difficulties or illness and we record our sessions for later review.

How much does the course cost?

The cost of the course is $3,995, or $3,495 if your company is a member of a partner organization.  If two employees from the same company attend, there is a $500 discount for the second person

How do I know if the course is right for me, how do I apply?

Based on our history with nearly 800 people who have attended the course, we can tell pretty quickly if the course is a good fit for you.  Simply fill out our application form and our Selection Committee will review.  You can be assured that your information will be held in close confidence.  You will then be contacted to discuss and upon acceptance, you will receive a welcome email that includes payment processing details. 

How is this course related to the COSE Strategic Planning Course?

Strategic Planning: Essential Skills for Business and Leadership Growth is managed and delivered by a strong and committed group of business leaders who have been longtime participants in the course.  Using their expertise and experiences, these individuals volunteer their time to help support and nurture other business owners as they work to grow their own companies.  COSE, the small business division of the region’s chamber of commerce The Greater Cleveland Partnership, sponsored the course for many years, but it now operates as an independent entity. 

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